The holidays are coming. Share the gift of lasting memories with your loved ones.
It’s hard to believe how big these kids have grown. When we first met our sweet neighbors, the LaVoies, Henry wasn’t even walking! I’ve been lucky enough to photograph these children many times and one of my favorite parts of photographing them is that typically, for the first part of our shoot it’s just the boys and I and our shoots are always all about playing and adventure. . On this particular day, we didn’t venture past our “own backyard”. On our street we are lucky enough to have the entrance to the Trotter Track which is a path through the woods that leads to our beautiful Egan Fields. Though it is a short path, to children this must feel like a major adventure so that is exactly what we did!
We started heading for a walk down the sweet little street that we share. The one we have gone for “scoots” on for the last 3.5 years, where knees were scraped, power wheels parties were had, new challenges were faced and many a bike was walked back up the steep hill by a tired mama.
I followed them as they raced down the street until we reached the entrance to the trail. . We made our way through the trail on this gorgeous day and we ventured through the track.
Along the way we sang silly songs and told silly jokes and all the while I captured them playing together like they always do… brothers. Giggling and laughing loudly, teasing each other in a playful manner. These boys really look out for one another. They play together, teach each other and most of all they really really love being together and it shows. It’s truly heart warming.
Mom joined us later in the big beautiful backyard for a leaf party which the boys decided to have upon her head. She was all smiles though because this mama was made to for this. Sometimes I see her from my window no matter how cold it is outside, playing catch with them or having a race. After a long day of work in NYC, she still goes outside to play with them and I mean really “play” with them. She is as kind as she is inspiring.
I am grateful beyond measure to call her my friend and my three girls are lucky to grow up side by side to these three little boys…
Can’t wait to photograph them again next year!
audrey blake PHOTOGRAPHY Sessions make great gifts!
The holidays are coming. Share the gift of lasting memories with your loved ones.