Childhood Unplugged – November

For the Childhood Unplugged November edition, historically I have always done something around Halloween. This year we were so lucky to have Halloween night land on a rare Saturday and we were even more lucky to have the weather be absolutely perfect! My oldest Ava knew from the get go that she wanted to channel the character of Evie from Disney’s newest craze The Descendants. Lyla on the other hand was very overwhelmed by the process of choosing something to be. At the ripe age of exactly 3 and a half years old she for all intensive purposes wanted to be a princess. Rapunzel actually… So while I was away from my children in Miami feeling mom guilt to the max I purchased her everything she would possibly need to be the most perfect and authentic Rapunzel possible. Including the costume, the wig, the crown, the wand, the leg warmers, the lizard and a small frying pan prop.

Upon my arrival home the box was there! I told her to get her all excited about getting dressed in it and she said without any hesitation ” I cannot be Rapunzel”. I tried to coerce her for a bit calling her a silly goose and such but it became evident that there was no changing her mind. When I got to the bottom of the change of heart she had said sobbing real tears “Her mother locks her in a tower!” So that was that.. .no Rapunzel for her.

I brought her one day before Halloween to the party store and let her select ANY costume she wanted from the 100’s of images that were shown. After 30 minutes she finally settled on Belle from Beauty and the Beast. On the way home she asks me about Belle and her family tree. I casually answer her question about whether or not Belle has a mom letting her know that she has a wonderful dad. Not sure what I was thinking… Needless to say she decides NO WAY is she going to be Belle.

I was ready to let her pick yet another costume because of mom guilt but then it occurred to me thankfully how ridiculous that was. We got home and I put every costume we own out and let her choose. What she came up with on her own was more fun and more unique and more her then ANYTHING that could have been randomly store bought. She called herself  “SUPER LYLA!” and has been wearing that wig on and off for the last 6 months so it seemed only fitting.

This year we trick or treated with some good friends in their adorable family friendly neighborhood in Montclair. It was not only fun for the kids but so fun for the adults and I am beyond grateful for the learning experience and reminders I had about not caving in to every whim my child has because I am a guilty working mother. (It happens).

We had so much fun carving a pumpkin on Halloween morning and not rushing anywhere!! All in all it was an enormously successful Halloween!


Halloween Costume ideas, kids getting ready for halloween, childhood unplugged, evie from the descendants,

audrey blake PHOTOGRAPHY Sessions make great gifts!

The holidays are coming. Share the gift of lasting memories with your loved ones.